
A faithful presence of love in the absences of our city.


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Common Grace

Common Grace

"Thankfully, Jesus has entered into glory and He has no ordinary rules of time and space. Justin always describes the grace of Jesus like this: “…as the rain falls, and as the sun shines". The Grace of Jesus extends across the universe and is more deep and wide than we can fathom." ...

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Baptism is a Front Door

Baptism is a front door

"Baptism is truly many-faceted; every time we look at it we perceive deeper meaning in this deceptively simple practice. Baptism is a front door, a death and resurrection, a cleansing, a wedding ring showing who we belong to, a legal document establishing our freedom from sin. As something which unites us to God’s Church, baptism has been practiced in an amazing diversit...

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The Word Stands Forever

The Word Stands Forever

"God is faithful to His word, whether or not the people who deliver it are faithful, and He will cause it to go forth in power." ...

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Offering & Renewed Generosity

offering & renewed generosity

"He gives us the opportunity each week to praise him with thankful hearts, and one of those ways is giving money. It’s hard for me to do this with rejoicing, probably because I’m so thankless. I forget that everything I have is God’s, I forget all that God has done for me, and I forget that giving is an opportunity God gives us to worship him rather than a drudgery o...

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Art Creed

Art Creed

"The practice of reading the Apostle’s Creed, or stating what we believe in the church, is a good practice. It is a practice that turns our hearts to remember and relive the Gospel. But stating our beliefs is greater than just a mnemonic trick for our brains. It is a shaping tool to help us live into the fully revealed mystery, not something that is evolving and slowl...

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Heart for the Nations

Untitled design (1)

"Prayer shapes our hearts after God’s heart and God desires all people to be saved. When we practice corporate prayer, the church is praying in union with the heart of God. But, it is important to remember that the Lord calls us to pray because of what it does to us, not to just get things from God"....

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Taking a Closer Look at Us

Taking a closer look at us

"I just can’t stop analytically dissecting this film, it’s like a puzzle and every time you connect a piece it creates even more curiosity and awe as you finally start to see the bigger picture come together. In its simplest terms “Us” is about the fear of ourselves and how our actions--or hesitation to act--can be detrimental to us as a nation." ...

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Importance of the Resurrection

Importance of the resurrection

"This Easter Sunday, Justin asked me if I was colluding with life or with death. He asked if we knew the significance of the resurrection. He asked if we were acting like we knew the significance. And I wasn’t really sure if I could properly say thank you for something that I wasn’t walking in..."...

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Freedom from Performance

Freedom from performance

"The irony of this is that the only way I can have peace, and feel that I am enough, is by admitting to God that I’m not adequate and not capable of achieving peace on my own. I cannot possibly impress enough people with my capability or intelligence to feel adequate, and if I continue to try I will only alienate myself from others and God...When I’m reminded that my ...

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What is His Posture Towards You?

What is his posture towards you_

"When I look at myself, it is true, I am a sinner, broken, wounded, weak, weary, and ashamed... But at retreat this last weekend, we asked the seemingly dangerous question: "What might Jesus' posture be toward you?" I have once again started to find hope that Jesus sees me and He responds. I have started to hope that His words for me are different than the world’s words ...

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