
A faithful presence of love in the absences of our city.

Posts Tagged with "hope"

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"Advent is a time of waiting and longing for the coming of Christ. We reflect on the centuries of waiting for the initial fulfillment of God’s promise to provide a savior, and we also long for the consummation of that promise when Christ returns to make all things new."...

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Tents and Altars

tents and altars

Abram is an example to us as he boldly listened to God, as his self sufficiency was “scrubbed away” in the belief the Lord had refined in him that God is good and He is for us....

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A New Home

a new home

"The hope presented in Revelation is that the battle has already been won. We look forward to the return of Christ when not only will suffering and death be absent, but in our new home we will dwell with the Father: the giver of life and the one who wipes every tear from our eyes." ...

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Revelation 20

revelation 20

My almost-99-year-old grandmother is waiting to die. I remember visiting her in her snowbird house right outside of Phoenix most Christmases in my childhood. I remember watching things change each time we visited fewer Christmas decorations, fewer explorations of Phoenix, earlier bed times because she was growing physically tired. I also remember the moment we were in th...

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My Father's World

my father's world

"We can take heart, even as our hearts are broken, that one day Christ will return and the troubles of this world will fade away."...

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Hoping in Pain

Hoping in Pain

Eugene Peterson says that “the primary use of prayer is not for expressing ourselves, but in becoming ourselves.” ...

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The Real Thing

The Real Thing

So here I sit, wrestling through this reality, all the while examining areas of my life where my worship is misplaced. How have I been duped? ...

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The Church Triumphant

The church triumphant

My trials and suffering feel like the squashing of color and blurring of lines to the point that my portrait isn’t the perfect and skilled mimesis of what the world expects. Yet, there is so much more depth, so much more character. ...

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Grief & Hope

Grief & Hope

Even in this chapter, of this overwhelming book, we see how all of scripture is brought together to accomplish the same plan that has been laid out in the Bible all along. ...

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Crying Out to a God Who Cares

Crying outto agod who cares

Turns out, I may be pretty good at structuring a prayer, and asking for spiritual-sounding things, but this weekend God reminded me that I’ve also been pretty good at missing the point of prayer....

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Paradoxes and Weaknesses


I don’t have to deny or hide my weakness because the beauty of them is they point to a God who promises to make me new....

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When I realized a few months ago that Easter fell on April 1 this year, I initially saw it as incongruous - the high point of the Church calendar juxtaposed with the a day of playful trickery. ...

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The Overcomers


As broken as this earthly existence can be, there are eternal promises that break through and transcend the brokenness....

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There’s nothing like a natural disaster to inspire people to ask deep questions about the meaning of life, justice, and the existence of evil and hardship. ...

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Fear & The Flood

Fear &The Flood

The rainbow is not a promise that life will get better after experiencing a storm. The rainbow is the promise that God will send a rescue, that God will be our refuge....

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Untitled design-4

Adam and Eve based their hope on Cain, as a result of an incomplete and flawed understanding of God’s promised redemption....

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The Grand Narrative

The Grand Narrative

God addresses the chaos of humanity through the living Word, the incarnate Jesus. Do you believe that? God has intervened. God is still intervening....

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Context Matters


Sometimes, hard things happen, and they’re just hard, and no ah-ha moment comes later when you realize how every painful piece of the puzzle was indeed working together for your good. ...

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Real Rest

Real Rest

How often do I “rest” by binging on show after show? Or fritter my time away on silly articles on Twitter or Reddit? Or squander my Saturday on a unimportant book?...

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How Long?

How Long?

In Daniel’s vision, the journey for God’s people is long and painful, and begs the question; will God’s people finish? Will his purposes prevail? How long must we endure before we feel the relief of redemption?...

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Mission vs. Worship


There is such an urgent need for Jesus in this city that it becomes overwhelming and easy to give up on people and our mission. ...

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The Problem of Suffering: Habakkuk

We, as Christians, have the privilege of engaging with our Creator, demanding a response for evil that seems contrary to His very character, and throwing ourselves into the eternal love that began between the Trinity and has been mercifully extended to us....

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Fully Known & Truly Loved

Marriage isn't always perfectly romantic, but in the rhythm of the ordinary, God is revealing Himself and His love for His people. ...

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