
A faithful presence of love in the absences of our city.

Posts Tagged with "Reflection"

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Grief & Hope

Grief & Hope

Even in this chapter, of this overwhelming book, we see how all of scripture is brought together to accomplish the same plan that has been laid out in the Bible all along. ...

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Crying Out to a God Who Cares

Crying outto agod who cares

Turns out, I may be pretty good at structuring a prayer, and asking for spiritual-sounding things, but this weekend God reminded me that I’ve also been pretty good at missing the point of prayer....

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Paradoxes and Weaknesses


I don’t have to deny or hide my weakness because the beauty of them is they point to a God who promises to make me new....

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Life Between the Trees

LifeBetween the trees

The tree of knowledge of good and evil represents the fall of men and the tree of life reflects the way God designed us to exist. Between these two trees, there stands the tree that Jesus died on to pay the price of the fall and reconcile us to God. ...

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Heaven is Our Home

Heavenis OurHome

I sit there and soak it up with a candle lit and music playing, because the orderliness of the house makes me feel in control and relaxed for the 5 minutes that it stays that way. Maybe heaven will smell like cleanliness and soap... ...

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Christmas in the Room

Jesus sings us into a new mode of existence. Jesus sings the nations into submission. Jesus sings hearts into love. Jesus is Christmas in the room. The hope of Advent and the hope of Christmas is that Jesus Christ is in the room…...

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Ordinary Romance

Practical steps for cultivating intimacy in marriage. ...

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